Sonny Chin

Dunedin Massage Master

Rehabilitation Treatment Rate

Quarter Hour: $45
Half Hour: $65
One Hour: $110
One and a half Hour: $150
Two Hours: $180

We recommend that you make your appointment in advance for bodywork or therapy.

One hour consultation represents 50 minutes, all payments cash unless by prior arrangement

Sonny Chin Massage

Relocated to:
25 Hawthorne Avenue

Sonny Chin Massage

Office: 03 4250606
Mobile: 027 4363909

We are open:
Monday to Friday: 9am till 5pm
Saturdays: 10am till 5pm


Day Style Time
Tuesday: Qigong and Ren Xue 6pm
Saturday: Qigong plus Tai Chi Chuan 12 noon

Hang Sun Massage Technique